lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2024

Bye-Bye beach, hello school!

Carlie Caramel loved helping her parents in their Arts and Craft Store. September was always a bustling month, with the start of the school year. 

Carlie enjoyed stocking the shelves with colourful supplies,

helping customers 

and seeing the excitement on the face of children picking out their new school materials.

But today was Sunday, and tomorrow she would be starting school herlsef.Carlie longed for one more day of freedom before the routine of classes began.

Her parents were busy finishing a painting in their art studio.
They understood she needed for a break and agreed to let her spend the morning at the beach.

Carlie decided to ride her bike instead of taking the bus. She loved the feeling of the wind on her face and the lovely landscape. She wore the new summer dress her mother bought her at the village clothes shop, feeling a sense of joy and freedom.

Upon reaching the beach ,Carlie parked her bike and went for a walk along the shore.It was lovely to feel the cool breeze and the warm rays of sunshine.

After a while, she found a perfect spot to sit down.She pulled out the book she had been reading over the summer. She had only a few pages left to finish it and the ending was getting very exciting.
She also enjoyed a cool orange juice she bought at Peter and Peace´s beach bar.

As she sipped her juice and lost herself into the last pages of her book, Carlie felt completely at peace.
The worries of the upcoming school year melted away.

When she finished reading her book and drinking her juice, Carlie decided to treat herself to something special.

She walked over to the seaside ice-cream shop. The shop owner, Amelia,greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hello, Carlie! Ready for school tomorrow?she asked as she approched the counter.

"Yes, but I wanted to enjoy one last day at the beach" Carlie replied with a grin.

She ordered her favourite three scoop cone: vanilla, mint and strawberry.

As Amelia scooped the ice-cream, she winked at her and added and extra scoop of blackberry on top.

"A little treat before the school starts" she said ,handing her the towering cone.

Carlie´s eyes widened with delight. "Thank you so much".

Carlie knew there would be fewer days at the beach once school started, but this moment made her feel like summer would last for a bit longer.

As she finished her ice-cream, it was time to head back home. She hopped on her bike feeling happy and relaxed after her nice morning at the beach.

When she arrived home, her parents greeted her with smiles. They were pleased to see her so happy.

Feeling inspired, Carlie started preparing for her first day of school.
She carefully laid out her clothes,

packed her school bag 

and organized all the supplies she would need.

As she looked at her neatly arranged items, Carlie felt a sense of excitement for the new school year.She knew it would bring new challenges and adventures but she was ready to face them with a positive attitude.

Carlie went to sleep that night with a smile on her face and had a wonderful dream about the new school year ahead.

The next morning Carlie woke up feeling cheerful and excited about going back to school.

"Good luck on your first day back to school, Carlie!
Hope you have an amazing year!"


This short story came to me by chance when I was making a dress out of a piece of ruffle ribbon.

Being a summer dress, my intention was to take a photo with a beach background to show it to you. 

As I was making the dress on the last Saturday afternoon of August, I was thinking about going back to work on the 1st of September. 

I am a teacher so I also have to go to back to school.

That's where the rest of the story came from.

I needed an introduction to the story but I didn't have much time to set up the arts and crafts shop again so I chose some of the pictures from the story about the Carramel's art shop that I posted long ago.

By the way, this is the picture of the ribbons I used to make the dress.

I set up a bedroom for some of the scenes so I took some extra pictures of Carlie in her room.


Hope you enjoyed today´s story!

If you´re a student and you´re reading this post I wish you all the best for this year at school or university. If you have children at school I 
wish them all the best too!

Good luck!

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