sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2024

A thoughtful birthday gift

Dear Readers,

In today's post I want to show you the Sylvanian related gifts I received for my birthday.

My birthday was in June, but my sister gave me her present a few weeks ago when I went to spend a few days in my hometown.

She always gets it right with her gifts, she knows me very well and knows what makes me happy.

This year she gave me some pampering products and a few other things related to my favourite hobby. 

Look a this cute little box!

It didn't take Peter and Peace long to discover the box. Peter Rabbit was Peter's favourite childhood character so he was delighted.

With a little effort they managed to open it.

What will be inside? We´ll soon find out because Peter and Peace are a curious pair of bunnies.

"Peace, you´re going to like this!"

"A bag and a flower headband!" Peace exclaimed with a pair of comfy shoes in her hands.

"How lovely!"Peace was over the moon!

She tried on the shoes, they were her size and very comfortable. The bag also looked great on her.

And finally the flower headband.

"How do I look?" 

"You look great,Peace. You always do" Peter said looking proudly at his girlfriend.

As Peace lifted up her dress a little so we could see how well her shoes fit, Peter approached the box again. Maybe there was something else.

"Peace, come over here! I see something you're going to love!"

Wow! What a lovely dress! So bright and colourful!Peace was thrilled!

"Cutata, no photos while I´m changing my clothes,ok?"
"No worries, Peace!" I won't take any more photos until you've put on your new dress."

"Ta-dah! What do you think, Peter?"
"Oh! Wow! You look gorgeous, Peace!". 

"These colours really suit you!".
"Thank you! I love it!"

"Now, it´s your turn .Will you try it on?"

"It looks great on you, Peter!. We're both very colour-coordinated"

"Peter, lift me up please, I want to see if there's anything else left".

"Ahh... Look! it´s a baby´s outfit! Isn´t it cute?"

"We'll keep it in case we ever have a baby."

Peter and Peace are delighted with their new clothes and so am I. 

Henry Periwinkle has tried on the baby suit so you can see how well it suits him.

My sister has a friend who is very good at amigurimi. She makes lovely crochet animals and characters.

As my sister knows how much I love clothes for my Sylvanians she ordered her friend to make some crochet outfits for a couple of hippy Sylvanian bunnies. It was really nice of her to think of Peter and Peace!

However,her friend hadn't made clothes for Sylvanians before, so my sister let her  the Osborne bear mother as a model and look what beautiful things she has made. Don't you think so?

I am very grateful to my sister for giving me such a thoughtful gift and to her friend for the excellent job she has done. Both Peter and Peace and I are very pleased.

Apart from the clothes, my sister also gave me some miniatures that are always useful to set up scenes. A breakfast tray, some flower pots and two glass containers for decoration.

I´d also like to show you the gift that my husband and my kids gave me on my birthday.

The Latte Cat Family!


Aren´t they lovely? I was in love with this family since first I saw it. 
They kind of remind me of the Whiskers Cat Family, a very nice family but rare and hard to find nowadays.

As you´ve just seen my Latte cats are still in their box. I only took away the waffle, the bag and the drinks. I sholud set them free soon. They must be looking forward to going out and enjoying a  nice cup of  tea or coffee in Sweet Valley.

At the top of my wish list is the "Exciting Exploration Set" I´d love to get it to bring the whole family together. 

And that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed seeing my gifts. I promise you that soon we´ll see Peter and Peace out and about in their new clothes.


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