viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2024

Christmas at the log cabin

 Dear Readers,

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! 

I´d have liked to have this blog post ready for Christmas Day but life got in the way and I haven't had time to take pictures until a few days ago.

The Christmas holidays are over in most parts of the world but I´m lucky enough to live in Spain and enjoy the festive season until the 6th of January so I´m still in time to share this post with you.

A log cabin sits quietly in a snowy field surrounded by tall pine trees.The air is crisp and cold, but the smoke rising from the chimney hints at the warmth inside.

A Christmas wreath decorated with red berries and a festive ribbon hangs on the front door, adding a welcoming touch.

The door is unlocked so let´s have a look inside...

Despite the cold weather outside, the inside of the cabin feels warm and cozy.

The air is filled with the scent of cinnamon and spices mingled with the sweet smell of freshly baked cookies.

The kitchen area has a rustic and vintage charm.

In the living room, the Christmas decorations and the glowing fire from the wood stove create a homey and festive atmosphere.

You're probably wondering who lives here.

You´re about to find out!

Grandma Pearl Babblebrook lives in the heart of a snowy forest in the small village of Carrot Field Hollow.

Despite her age, her love for Christmas never faded. Every year, she decorated her log cabin with a beautiful Christmas tree and festive ornaments.

However, this Christmas,her heart felt a bit heavy. Her grandchildren had grown up and were spending the holidays with their in-laws. She understood and was happy for their new traditions but she couldn´t help but feel a little sad.

On Christmas Eve, Pearl had been knitting for hours.It was a hobby that entertained her and made the time pass more quickly.Then, she made herself a cup of tea and put on the radio that always kept her company. 

Suddenly, she heard the door creak open.

To her surprise and delight, it was her youngest grandson, Peter, and his girlfriend, Peace, who had stepped inside.

"Oh my! What a wonderful surprise, my dear!" Pearl couldn´t believe her eyes.

"GRANDMA!" Peter exclaimed, wrapping her in a warm hug. "We couldn't bear the thought of you being alone this Christmas.

She couldn´t help holding back her tears of emotion when Peace gave her a big hug and told her :"We´ve missed you, Grandma.We´re going to spend a few days with you".

Oh, you´ve made me the happiest grandma in Sylvania! Welcome, my dears! You must be exhausted and hungry after your long trip. You are in luck! I have a batch of cookies about to come out of the oven.Make yourselves at home!"

While grandma took the cookies out of the oven, Peter went to get his guitar from the van and Peace made some tea.

Peter and Peace sat comfortably by the wood stove .Grandma
was over the moon on her rocking chair enjoying the company of her grandchildren.They caught up on how things were going and also remembered, with great fondness and some nostalgia, what Christmas was like when Peter and his siblings were just kids. 

They also sang Christmas carols.Peter played the guitar. Peace, the recorder and even Grandma accompanied the carols playing a tambourine that she still had from when her grandchildren were just kids.

They spent the rest of the day enjoying life's little pleasures: they had lively conversations , shared stories, laughed together, enjoyed delicious home-made food, gave heartul hugs and created memories that would last forever

On Christmas morning, Grandma made a special breakfast for Peter and Peace to celebrate their time together.She prepared a special pastry typical from her village at Christmas time and hot chocolate.

Peter and Peace were very grateful. "It feels so good to be here! Thanks a lot, Grandma" Peter said. 

"My pleasure, my dear. I really have to thank you for coming. If I´m a good hostess, maybe you´ll come to see me more often." Grandma laughed and winked.

After enjoying their delicious breakfast, they gathered around the Christmas tree to exchange gifts.

Grandma was given a shawl made by Eleanor Bramble, the Sweet Berry Valley dressmaker. She  was thrilled because it was almost the same as one she had lost and which was her favourite.She also got a box of chocolates made by the famous Sylvanian´s chocolatier, Frasier Chocolate.

Now, it was Peter and Peace's turn to open their Christmas gift. When they saw the size of the package they were shocked. It was huge!
What could it be?

"WOW!  It´s lovely!" They both exclaimed at the same time when they spread the large, colourful blanket that Grandma had been knitting for months.

"This blanket is for both of you, to keep you warm and remind you of this special Christmas," Grandma said with a smile.

And so, that Christmas became one of the most cherished moments for Grandma Pearl, Peter and Peace .
They promised to visit more often,because the true magic of Christmas is spending time with the ones you love.

The log cabin is one of my latest acquisitions. I bought it second hand a few months ago.It will probably be used as a home for other families. It´ll just be a matter of rearranging the furniture. Not having to wallpaper it makes it easier to transform it into a different home.

My sister made the blanket for Peter and Peace.She´s very thoughtful and I really appreciate her support of my hobby. 

The quality of the pictures is not very good because the lighting wasn´t the best. Days are darker and shorter in winter and I have less time to take pictures with natural light.

Anyway,I hope you liked the log cabin tour and the little Christmas story.

Enjoy the rest of the festive season!

I wish the New Year brings you good health, good luck and many happy moments.

A big hug! See you soon!

8 comentarios:

  1. What a lovely heartwarming story for Christmas time, Cutata! Good old Peter and Peace - I am not surprised they didn't want to leave Grandma Pearl alone at Christmas. It sounds as though they all ended up enjoying their Christmas. I hope you are enjoying yours too!

    1. Hi GreyRabbit!
      Thanks so much for your kind words! I decorated the log cabin for Christmas and I came up with the idea of writing a short Christmas story. Peter, Peace and Grandma were the perfect cast for this story. I´m glad you liked it!
      Have a good day!

  2. Hi Cutata; thank you for this great story!

    The external shot of the cabin looks great. The background fits in well, the little touches like snow on the doorstep, and even a little photoediting to add chimney smoke!

    I hardly need to comment on the internal decor - I'm starting to feel repetitive when I praise you for the detail and choices of accessories! And so many! They help illustrate the character of the owner. Beautiful work as usual.

    Setting the story near Purrchester in Carrot Field Hollows is an excellent idea. Extending your storytelling beyond Sweet Berry Valley makes everything bigger. It also helps highlight how poor grandma Pearl is feeling a little lonesome.

    Then... enter our favourite pair of bunnies, Peter and Peace. And their super clothes. All leading to a heartwarming reunion and a musical get together. And the blanket is outstanding!

    A wonderful Christmas story!

    All the very best for 2025, my friend!

    1. Hi Jackson!

      I really appreciate your kind words! Thanks a lot!

      I´m glad you noticed the subtle chimney smoke. My photoediting skills are very basic. I used Canva app to add the smoke effect, the flame of the candle and the lights in the Christmas tree. I wish I could edit photos as well as you do.

      I wanted to add a rustic and homey feeling to the cabin and once it was fully furnished and decorated I thought it was a good scenario to make up a Christmas story.

      When my sister gave me the blanket she made for Peter and Peace I thought it was the kind of gift Grandma Babblebrook would give her grandchildren for Christmas. Peter and Peace are delighted with their warm blanket.

      It makes happy to know you enjoyed the story!

      Have a nice day!

  3. I love your stories with Peter and Peace!!!!!!! Thanks. Happy new year. Cécile.

    1. Hi Cécile!
      Thanks a lot for your comment!
      I´m glad you like my stories with Peter and Peace! They´re my favourite bunny couple.
      Have a wonderful year!

  4. Happy belated Christmas and New Year, Cutata!

    Everything about this was perfect. From the very first picture showing the snug interior, I was filled with a sense of warmth, festivity and cosiness. I could almost hear the fire crackling and smell the warm, newly baked cookie smell! And all the tiny details! You really didn't miss a thing. The old fashioned kitchen and the little umbrella stand by the door are so cute!

    You even managed to somehow capture the expressions on their faces as Peter and Peace enter - the two of them in exhilaration of surprising Grandma and her own of joyous delight. Peter and Peace look splendid, as always. How cute are Peace's little booties!

    Grandma was certainly busy. That blanket is beautiful and I'm sure it will keep the two of them snug for many many winters to come. Your sister is very kind to think of them.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful 2025.

  5. Hi Kelsie,
    Thanks a lot for your kind words!
    I was looking forward to decorating the log cabin and give it a rustic but at the same time a warm and cosy feel.
    Christmas time seemed to be the best time. to do it. I started to decorate the cabin without having a story in mind but as I was decorating it I came up with this story.

    Peter and Peace have already covered their bed with the colourful blanket that grandma gave them. It looks great in their room and keeps them very warm in bed.

    I hope you had a good month January and that the rest of the year goes well for you.
