viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

An antique shop in Sylvanian town

Dear Readers,

Hope everything is going well with you!

Today´s post is my entry for the sixth creative crafting challenge of the year in the Sylvanian Forum.

The theme was: Challenge#6:"Collections".

Terra, the forum administrator, always give us lots of great ideas for each challenge. I really appreciate all her suggestions.

 One of the prompts given for this challenge was:

  • Build a special interest shop for collectors. Book, hobby, record, craft and antique shops are just a few of the possibilities.
And that´s what I did! I set up an antique shop. It didn't fit much in a village like Sweet Berry Valley so I have placed it in the Sylvanian Town. Hope you like it!


On a quiet street of the Sylvananian Town , away from the hustle and bustle of the main commercial area, there is a shop that is a treasure for those who appreciate the charm and character of bygone eras.

An antique shop.

Finn Persian is the owner of the shop. Despite his youth, he loves collectibles and antiques since he was a littlen kitten.

A passion he has inherited from his grandfather who left the shop in the hands of his grandson when he retired.

When you enter the shop,time seems to slow down and history whispers through every nook and cranny.

The mix of items feels like a curated museum, inviting exploring and sparking curiosity

Let´s have a look around before the first customers arrive.

Hope you enjoyed this short visit to the Antique shop in Town. 

I´ll come back in a few days to tell you more about his proud owner, Finn Persian, and to see what a day in his shop is like.

By the way, did something catch your eye?

See you soon!

13 comentarios:

  1. I love all the little details, especially the chess set and all the clocks!

  2. Hi Willow!
    Thanks for your comment!
    I´m glad you enjoyed looking at the little details.
    Have a lovely day!

  3. What a lovely shop young Mr. Persis has! All the items he offers look very classy and in best shape... I'm sure I would spend a lot of Sylvas I had the chance to browse that shop - I'm in love with that 'Puss with Pearl Earring' (a Vermeer masterpiece) :loveit:
    Purrs - yours Florence Holiday

  4. Hi Florence!
    Thank you for your comment!
    Ha ha! I knew you were going to set your eyes on that painting.
    Finn could give you a special price. That painting should be in an Art Gallery in Purrchester.
    Have a great day!

  5. Hi Cutata!

    Oh, what a gorgeous antique shop! I loved how you presented it. The text really gave me the feeling of entering a special, quiet place full of treasures from the past!

    The shop looks just like a real one. You did such a great job using Sylvanian items and miniatures as antiques! Great choices! My favourite area is the one with all the clocks (those grandfather clocks!) and the tiny model car.

    I love that Finn enjoys antiques despite his youth and I'm looking forward to seeing what a day in his shop looks like.

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Hi Ayrell,

      Thanks a lot for your kind words!

      It was fun to look for all the miniatures and furniture to set up the shop. It took me quite some time. What I liked the least was taking it all apart and putting it back in its place.

      The clock area is also one of my favourites. I took out the clocks I had in some Sylvanian sets. Now I´ve put them all together in a small box instead of putting them back in their corresponding set. The next time I need a clock for a scene it will be easier to find it.

      Have a great day!

  6. Cutata, this is WONDERFUL! So many beautiful things have found their way into Finn Persian's shop. Several things caught my eye, but I think I would have to have the little pocket watch that is hanging on the corner of one of the chairs - it's gorgeous! :)


    1. Hi GreyRabbit!
      Thanks a million for your comment!

      I'm glad you liked Finn´s antique shop.

      That pocket watch is very nice but it has already been sold. Catherine Periwinkle gave it to her grandfather for his birthday and he loved it to bits.

      Have a nice day!

  7. Wow! I love this shop so much, Cutata, I wish I could disappear into it! Every item looks like it is full of history and has its own story to tell. It must be such an intriguing place to visit. I noticed some interesting artefacts, like the 'cat with the pearl earring' painting. Very creative of you! I'm excited to jump over to the day in the life story and read more about Finn and his shop!

  8. Hi Kelsie!
    Thanks a lot for your kind words.

    When Finn acquires a "little treasure" to add to his collection of antiques he always wants to know the story behind each item.

    "The cat with the pearl earring" is a lovely painting. His grandfather found it long time ago and it´s one of Finn´s favourite paintings.

    Hope you enjoy the next story .

    Have a great day!

  9. Such detail! As always, your photos are a visual delight and I appreciate the work you must have put in to this antique shop. Great to see Finn Persian in a role. My Persians (actually, quite a few of my families) haven't shown up in a story yet so it's nice to see this "handsome brother" in a featured role. Looking forward to reading about him next!

    Take care!

  10. Hi Jackson!
    Thanks a lot for your comment!
    I put a lot of work in setting up this shop but I really enjoyed it.
    I bought the " Handsome brothers" set some time ago to have extra figures when I was taking pictures of scenes in the city. i didn't have in mind that any of the three of them were going to be the main characters of any of my stories. Probably one more of the three handsome broters will play an important role in some of my next stories. I still have to think about it.

    Have a great day!
