"Thank you ,Coco,that was very nice of you"
"Where is everybody?Freya asked when she saw there was nobody in bed.
"Dad and Créme went to the supermarket and Mum is in the kitchen" Coco answered.
The nice smell coming up from the kitchen made Freya jumped out of bed.
"Good morning, love! Happy birthday!" Teri wished her daughter, giving her a big hug.
Coco and Freya enjoyed a hearty breakfast.
"Thank you ,Mum! Everything is delicious." Freya said gratefuly. She couldn´t have started her birthday any better.
When they were clearing the breakfast table there was a knock on the door.Freya got all excited when she recognized postman Pete´s face through the window.
"It´s Pete Petite! He might have a package for me!" She shouted with joy
"It´s Pete Petite! He might have a package for me!" She shouted with joy
And she was right! That big pink box was for her.
"Here you are, Freya. A parcel from the Big City" Pete said carrying the pink package.
"From Grinpa?" Freya asked eagerly.
"Yes, all the way from Grinpa" Pete said handing her the box. It was a big package but it wasn´t heavy at all.
"From Grinpa?" Freya asked eagerly.
"Yes, all the way from Grinpa" Pete said handing her the box. It was a big package but it wasn´t heavy at all.
Freya run upstairs looking forward to opening her package.She knew it was a birthday present from someone very special.
Inside the box there was a letter and a nicely wrapped parcel.
Inside the box there was a letter and a nicely wrapped parcel.
Freya opened the letter first and read it out loud . Teri shared her daughter´s excitment.
Dear Freya,
Hope you have a wonderful birthday! I wish I could be at home to celebrate it with you and all the family but work is keeping me very busy at the moment. The new department store in Grinpa is going to hold a fashion show and I am in charge of organizing the event. The manager of the department store was very pleased with my designs and wants to employ me as a fashion designer!! I´m over the moon! In the evenings I go to a language school. I´m learning French. The manager told me my new job would might require to travel to Paris at some stage.
As soon as I have a few days off I´ll go home. I miss you all so much!
Send my love to Mum, Dad, Coco and Créme.
Lots of love from your older sister
P.S: Hope you like my present. I made it specially for you!
When Freya finished reading her sister´s letter she saw her mother was wiping away her tears discreetly.
"Are you OK, Mum? Freya asked softly.
"I´m fine. They´re just tears of joy."
Come on! Let´s see what´s in this package" Teri encouraged Freya.
"Oh! What a BEAUTIFUL dress!" Freya exclaimed widening her eyes.
"It is LOVELY!" Teri added. She felt so proud of her oldest daughter that she was about to cry again but she tried to hold back her tears. She didn´t want to spoil Freya´s happiness.
"I´m going to try it on! Don´t look until I say so, will you , Mum?"
Teri promised not to look and turned her back.
Ta-da! How do I look, Mum? Freya asked feeling like a million sylvas.
My oh, my! You look gorgeous, love! Teri exclaimed.
Teri was enjoying her daughter´s contagious excitement but she went down the kitchen when she heard Créme and Fraiser who were just back from doing some grocery shopping .
Teri couldn´t wait to tell Fraiser about their daughter´s letter and how well she was doing in the city.
Then,Fraiser went to see Freya who was dancing and twirling like a ballerina in front of the mirror.
"Happy birthday! You look like a princess!" Fraiser said in admiration.
Freya giggled and twirled once more.
Créme loved how smooth and shiny her sister´s dress was.
Créme loved how smooth and shiny her sister´s dress was.
Early in the afernoon the Chocolates started to arrage everything for Freya´s birthday party.It was a tradition at the Chocolates to have two birthday parties, one just with the family members and another one with friends.
Today, they were just expecting Patricia and Rhys, the grandparents on the father´s side.
Teri and Frasier were busy in the kitchen.Teri was preparing sandwiches and snacks and Fraiser was making the birthday cake.Créme was delighted to be the food taster.
Mmm! Strawberries and cream cake!
Freya saw her grandparents, Patricia and Rhys, through the window and rushed to meet them at the door.
"Happy birthday,dear! We have a little present for you."
Freya was delighted with her new bag.It was the perfect accessory to complete her party look.
"Thank you so much! It´s lovely!" Freya thanked her grandparents for the present and suggested to serve some food and drinks "Come on! Let´s start the party"
First, they had to set up the table.
It was a warm and sunny spring day so they opened up the umbrella.
Here come the drinks! Fruit juices to suit different tastes.
Freya put the glasses carefully on the glass stand.
Mmm! Those sandwiches and snacks look yummy!
What does it say , daddy? Créme asked looking at the small eassel.
Teri and Freya placed the glasses around the fruit punch bowl.
"What´s under the dish cover, dad?" Coco was curious to know.
"Something really nice.Just wait until you taste it." Frasier answered.
Smile, Freya!Let´s take just one picture before you all start tucking in.
Just after letting me take that picture, the Chocolates gathered around the party table to enjoy the delectable food and drink.
Patricia wants to have some orange juice. The bottle cooler will keep it nice and cool.
Patricia wants to have some orange juice. The bottle cooler will keep it nice and cool.
Rhys is serving drinks to everyone. "Some apple juice, Coco?" "Yes, please, grandpa"
Créme needs a bit of help to reach for the food.
She seems to be very hungry.
"Some more punch, mother?" Fraiser asked Patricia.It was her third glass.Fortunately,it was alcohol free!
"Look, Mum!" Freya exclaimed in surprise.
They were Robert and Teresa,Teri´s parents who were supposed to be on a holiday cruise around the Greek Islands.
When Teresa and Robert got off the car they were welcomed with open arms. Their unexpected visit was a lovely surprise!
After such a warm welcome, all the Chocolates went back to the garden to continue the party.
"You are just in time for the cake!"
"You are just in time for the cake!"
After blowing the candles and eating a piece of cake it was time to open the presents.
Teresa and Robert had theirs in the boot of the car.
Teresa and Robert had theirs in the boot of the car.
What could it be in this red box?
There was a lot of oohing and aahing when Freya opened the box."The Sylvanian kitchen!" she exclaimed."I wanted this restaurant for so long" she added thrilled.
But the best was yet to come!
She was already feeling very spoiled but when she removed the pink wrapping paper to reveal a piano she just couldn´t believe her eyes. She was speechless!
It was Mr. Fenton, the music teacher who told Teri and Fraiser that Freya would love to have her own piano to practise at home. According to Mr. Fenton she was getting very good at playing the piano.
"One day I´ll be as good at the piano as Mr.Lion" Freya told her parents who were delighted to see how self confident their daughter was.She really admires Mr.Lion, the most famous pianist in Sylvania and she would love to go to one of her piano concerts.
"What´s a birthday party without music? Would you play something for us?" Grandpa Rhys asked her grandaughter.
No sooner said than done Freya gently pressed two keys, then three more, then both of her hands were gliding across the lenght of the keyboard.
A traditional Sylvanian song filled the air.
It was a cheerful song about sharing time with your loved ones, taking one day at a time and always looking on the bright side of things. As they all knew the lyrics they sang and danced away.
Happy Birthday, Freya! Hope the party with your friends is as special as the one you had with your family.

The main reason I wrote this story was because I meant to write a review of the "Seaside Birthday Party" set since I got it at Christmas time. As it happened to me in other occasions I ended up writing a story instead.
I love sets with lots of accessories and this one is great.
I also wanted to unbox the new Chocolate grandparents I bought a long time ago and the red car I recently got of an Ebay bundle.
The idea of the dress sent by Freya´s older sister was inspired by the New Town Series where Freya´s sister is a fashion designer. The present of the Sylvanian Kitchen is what I would love to get myself and the present of the piano was inspired by Mr. Lion, of course!
Freya would love to go into town to meet her sister and go to one of Mr.Lion´s recitals. Who knows? Maybe next year. It would be a lovely birthday present for her.
Hope you enjoyed today´s story and I also hope nobody had serious side effects of an overdose of "Chocolates"! LOL :D
See you soon!
Lots of love