sábado, 22 de febrero de 2025

Tender Loving Care on Valentine´s Day

Dear Readers,

Hope you´re all doing well.

The creative challenge for February in the Sylvanian Forum is all about Valentine's Day, so today's story is centered around it.

Hope you enjoy it!


Stella spent the night tossing and turning unable to get any sleep. Her throat felt scratchy and her body ached all over.When the alarm went off she was tempted to stay in bed but she had work to do. With a sigh, she forced herself out of bed and got ready to face the day.

She sat down at her working table determined to finish one of her last designs. She glanced at the calendar and noticed that the 14th of February was marked in red. It was a special day.She was going on a date with William Cinnamon!.Someone she never thought she could have more than a friendship with.

William, the son of the Grand Department Store´s owner, fell in love with Stella the moment she walked into the store to work as a fashion designer.

He was captivated not just by her looks, but also by her creativity and talent. Her unique creations quickly became the highlight of the clothing section.

However, Stella saw William as a spoiled millionaire´s son who didn´t have to struggle for anything. 

As time went by, Stella´s perception of William changed and she began to see someone who was genuine, kind and hardworking. She observed how he treated every one with respect and humility. He never boasted about his wealth and was always willing to lend a hand to any members of the store´s staff.

He was also a very good student. He was pursuing a degree in Business and Economics and helped his father manage the business accounts of the department store.

Over the years, William and Stella became good friends, but their relationship never turned romantic. This year, he decided to take a chance.

One chilly February evening, as Stella stepped out of the department store, she heard William calling her name. He had finally mustered the courage to ask her out for Valentine's Day.

He had rehearsed his words a hundred times, but when he stood in front of her, his heart felt like it was about to burst and he started to stammer.

"Well, we’ve... we’ve known each other for a while, and, I, uh, I was wondering if... if you’d like to go out with me on Valentine's Day." He finally blurted out the last sentence quickly.

He feared the worst, but Stella smiled at him. She seemed taken aback but pleasantly surprised.

"You mean, like a date?"

William nodded shyly. "Yeah, like a date. I know it’s kind of  sudden, but I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while now."

Stella smiled again and, holding his hand. said, "I’d love to go out with you on Valentine's Day!."

William felt so relieved!. He was over the moon!

Over the following weeks, Stella dedicated much of her free time to make a beautiful dress for their date. When she finally finished and hung it in her wardrobe, she smiled with pride. She couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach as she imagined the look on William's face when he saw her.

On Valentine's Day morning, Stella couldn't focus on her work. She was not only excited about her date but also started to feel dizzy and shivery."

She didn´t feel well so she put on her silky night gown and a wooly vest to keep warm. Dissapointed, she returned to bed knowing this wasn´t the Valentine´s Day she had hoped for.

After finishing his lessons at university, William headed to Stella’s place. However, things didn’t go as planned. When Stella opened the door,she appeared pale and shivering. Concerned, he noticed she had a high tempetature.Willian´s heart sank but he quickly got into action.

"Stella!,you look really unwell.Let me call my family doctor.We need to know what´s wrong with you".

Stella, feeling weak, could only nod.

He gently helped her back to bed and made a phone call.


The doctor didn´t take long to arrive.

After examining Stella , he diagnosed her with the flu.

"These pills will help relieve her symptoms and reduce the fever. She needs to drink plenty of water, get lots of rest, and some TLC will also help her to recover". He added with a smile and a knowing wink to William.

Stella thanked William for the flowers and apologized, feeling guilty for ruining their special day.

"I'm so sorry, William. I know you had everything planned."

William smiled gently. "Don't worry about it. Your health is the most important thing right now. There will be more occasions to go out when you feel better." 

Originally, he had planned to take Stella to a fancy restaurant for dinner and then to a candlelight concert. Instead, he prepared a simple, comforting meal for her and stayed by her side to make sure she was comfortable.

As the evening went on and Stella´s fever started to go down, she began to feel a lot better and got out of bed.

They went to the living room and exchanged gifts.

 William was thrilled with the suit Stella made for him. "Stella,You made it yourself! This is amazing! You're so talented. Thank you so much."

"I'm glad you like it! I think blue suits you. Will you wear it on our next date?" She asked.

William couldn't be happier. "Of course, I will! I can't wait!"

In addition to the lovely flowers, William gave Stella another gift.

A customized sketchbook with a lilac cover, her favourite color.

He even wrote a dedication on the first page: "To Stella, whose creativity knows no bounds. May these pages be filled with your designs and dreams. Always believe in your extraordinary talent. With all my support and admiration."

"Oh, William, this is the most thoughtful gift I've ever received!" She exclaimed.

"I put a lot of thought into it. I wanted to give you something meaningful that reflects your interests."

She then expressed her gratitude by giving him a heartfelt hug.

After exchanging gifts, William made some tea while Stella opened a heart-shaped box of chocolates, made by her father, of course. 

They settled comfortably on the sofa and watched a romantic comedy.

Though their Valentine’s Day didn’t go as planned, William and Stella found something more important that quiet evening: they realized that caring for someone ,when they need it most, is what love is really about.

Stella’s earlier doubts about William’s character totally vanished. His dedication in looking after her showed his love and how much he cared about her.

That first date became a memorable moment in their lives. From that day on, their bond grew stronger, turning their friendship into a love story. 

          💗Happy Valentine’s Day,Stella and William!💗

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2025

My cold-weather Sylvanian Families

Dear Readers,

Hope you are doing well!

It's already February and I haven't had the chance to post the entry for the January creative challenge in the Sylvanian Forum until now.

Challenge#1: Cold Weather Creatures

As we are still in winter and it is cold in this part of the world,I am going to share with you some pictures that feature my cold weather Sylvanian families.


The Moss Reindeer family was the first cold weather family to settle in  Sweet Berry Valley. 

Cameron is the mayor of the village but, despite his duties, he always finds time to spend it with his family. In winter they have a lot of fun in the snow.

The Polaris Polar Bear family arrived at Sweet Berry Valley eight years ago.

This is the first picture I took of them.

A few months after their arrival , they set up their own soft serve ice-cream business which is very successful, especially with the  children in the village.

This is the most recent photo of this family, taken in December after the big snowfall that covered the whole village in white. Julia and little Beth had a great time sledging in the snow.

The Husky family moved to Sweet Berry Valley three years ago. They also arrived in winter, their favourite time of the year.
That year, the village was also covered with a blanket of snow. It was the perfect setting for their family photo.

The latest cold weather family to arrive in Sweet Berry Valley is the Waddle Penguin family.

They arrived a month ago and have already set up a small ice-cream stall which they intend to expand. I hope there is no rivalry between The Waddles and  The Polaris over ice cream sales. I'm sure they won't be short of customers.Everyone in Sweet Berry Valley loves ice cream and the more variety the better.

I would also like to show you a picture of Peter and Peace's bedroom. If you have read my previous story, you will remember that they visited Grandma Pearl at Christmas. She gave them a woollen blanket that she had knitted herself for months. No more cold nights!. This is how the blanket looks on their bed, colourful and warm.

It is a coincidence that the Polaris, the Husky and the Waddle families arrived in winter. All on the same day but in different years. All three were Christmas presents that the Three Wise Men brought me on the 6th of January.I wonder if next year a new family will arrive on the same date. Ha ha! The Three Wise Men know what makes me happy!

That´s all for today. Take care, my friends!

See you soon!

viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2024

Christmas at the log cabin

 Dear Readers,

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! 

I´d have liked to have this blog post ready for Christmas Day but life got in the way and I haven't had time to take pictures until a few days ago.

The Christmas holidays are over in most parts of the world but I´m lucky enough to live in Spain and enjoy the festive season until the 6th of January so I´m still in time to share this post with you.

A log cabin sits quietly in a snowy field surrounded by tall pine trees.The air is crisp and cold, but the smoke rising from the chimney hints at the warmth inside.

A Christmas wreath decorated with red berries and a festive ribbon hangs on the front door, adding a welcoming touch.

The door is unlocked so let´s have a look inside...

Despite the cold weather outside, the inside of the cabin feels warm and cozy.

The air is filled with the scent of cinnamon and spices mingled with the sweet smell of freshly baked cookies.

The kitchen area has a rustic and vintage charm.

In the living room, the Christmas decorations and the glowing fire from the wood stove create a homey and festive atmosphere.

You're probably wondering who lives here.

You´re about to find out!

Grandma Pearl Babblebrook lives in the heart of a snowy forest in the small village of Carrot Field Hollow.

Despite her age, her love for Christmas never faded. Every year, she decorated her log cabin with a beautiful Christmas tree and festive ornaments.

However, this Christmas,her heart felt a bit heavy. Her grandchildren had grown up and were spending the holidays with their in-laws. She understood and was happy for their new traditions but she couldn´t help but feel a little sad.

On Christmas Eve, Pearl had been knitting for hours.It was a hobby that entertained her and made the time pass more quickly.Then, she made herself a cup of tea and put on the radio that always kept her company. 

Suddenly, she heard the door creak open.

To her surprise and delight, it was her youngest grandson, Peter, and his girlfriend, Peace, who had stepped inside.

"Oh my! What a wonderful surprise, my dear!" Pearl couldn´t believe her eyes.

"GRANDMA!" Peter exclaimed, wrapping her in a warm hug. "We couldn't bear the thought of you being alone this Christmas.

She couldn´t help holding back her tears of emotion when Peace gave her a big hug and told her :"We´ve missed you, Grandma.We´re going to spend a few days with you".

Oh, you´ve made me the happiest grandma in Sylvania! Welcome, my dears! You must be exhausted and hungry after your long trip. You are in luck! I have a batch of cookies about to come out of the oven.Make yourselves at home!"

While grandma took the cookies out of the oven, Peter went to get his guitar from the van and Peace made some tea.

Peter and Peace sat comfortably by the wood stove .Grandma
was over the moon on her rocking chair enjoying the company of her grandchildren.They caught up on how things were going and also remembered, with great fondness and some nostalgia, what Christmas was like when Peter and his siblings were just kids. 

They also sang Christmas carols.Peter played the guitar. Peace, the recorder and even Grandma accompanied the carols playing a tambourine that she still had from when her grandchildren were just kids.

They spent the rest of the day enjoying life's little pleasures: they had lively conversations , shared stories, laughed together, enjoyed delicious home-made food, gave heartul hugs and created memories that would last forever

On Christmas morning, Grandma made a special breakfast for Peter and Peace to celebrate their time together.She prepared a special pastry typical from her village at Christmas time and hot chocolate.

Peter and Peace were very grateful. "It feels so good to be here! Thanks a lot, Grandma" Peter said. 

"My pleasure, my dear. I really have to thank you for coming. If I´m a good hostess, maybe you´ll come to see me more often." Grandma laughed and winked.

After enjoying their delicious breakfast, they gathered around the Christmas tree to exchange gifts.

Grandma was given a shawl made by Eleanor Bramble, the Sweet Berry Valley dressmaker. She  was thrilled because it was almost the same as one she had lost and which was her favourite.She also got a box of chocolates made by the famous Sylvanian´s chocolatier, Frasier Chocolate.

Now, it was Peter and Peace's turn to open their Christmas gift. When they saw the size of the package they were shocked. It was huge!
What could it be?

"WOW!  It´s lovely!" They both exclaimed at the same time when they spread the large, colourful blanket that Grandma had been knitting for months.

"This blanket is for both of you, to keep you warm and remind you of this special Christmas," Grandma said with a smile.

And so, that Christmas became one of the most cherished moments for Grandma Pearl, Peter and Peace .
They promised to visit more often,because the true magic of Christmas is spending time with the ones you love.

The log cabin is one of my latest acquisitions. I bought it second hand a few months ago.It will probably be used as a home for other families. It´ll just be a matter of rearranging the furniture. Not having to wallpaper it makes it easier to transform it into a different home.

My sister made the blanket for Peter and Peace.She´s very thoughtful and I really appreciate her support of my hobby. 

The quality of the pictures is not very good because the lighting wasn´t the best. Days are darker and shorter in winter and I have less time to take pictures with natural light.

Anyway,I hope you liked the log cabin tour and the little Christmas story.

Enjoy the rest of the festive season!

I wish the New Year brings you good health, good luck and many happy moments.

A big hug! See you soon!