sábado, 1 de junio de 2024

A dream come true

Dear Readers,

Hope you are all doing well!

Today´s post is my entry for the fifth creative crafting challenge of the year in the Sylvanian Forum.

The theme was: Challenge#5:"The 60´s era".

Peter and Peace are looking forward to giving you good news. They are very excited! Let's see why.


Planning a trip is always a source of joy for Peter and Peace. So far hitchhiking or taking the bus has been their way of visiting new places but from now on things are going to be different.

For the last five years, they have been putting their savings in a kombi van-shaped piggy bank.

It has taken them time and effort to raise the money to fulfill their dream, but it has finally become a reality.

TA-DA! What do you think? Isn´t it perfect for them?

 They can't wait to show it to you!

Let´s have a look!

It has seven seats. Plenty of place to accomodate their friends.

The trunk is very large. It´s perfect for carrying a tent, camping equipment and everything they need to set up their beach bar.

"Look, Peace! An engine with 100 rabbitpower!"

A DREAM COME TRUE! !Now, it´s time to prepare for the first trip in their brand new van

If Peter and Peace had lived in the 60's, I'm sure they would have loved to do the hippie trail in a kombi van.
This idea still tempts them but right now their piggy bank is empty and soon they will have to set up their beach bar so they can't go very far away.

They are so excited to have their own vehicle that they want to share their joy with their family and friends.They have decided to pay a visit to Peter´s grandmother and cousins who live in Carrot Field Hollows and continue on to Purrchester to visit their good friends Apple and Juice. It has been almost a year since they have seen each other. The last time they were together was at the  Sylvanian Summer of Love Festival.

(The next two photos  were taken by my Sylvanian forum friend Florence Holiday. Thank you for letting me share them )

Here we can see Peter and Peace with their cousins Boyd and Amanda.

Peter and Peace with more friends at the Summer of Love Festival.
The two cats on the right are Apple and Juice, their friends from Purrchester.

In case you are wondering where the toy Volkswagen van came from, I'll tell you it's the gift Peace gave Peter last Christmas. Ever since he was a little boy, he had always wanted to have a van like that. Peter gave Peace a guitar.She plays the recorder very well but she wanted to learn to play another instrument. Peter is teaching her and she is learning fast.

Peter and Peace are used to traveling light. Just the essentials for a few days away from home,a bouquet of flowers from their garden to give to their grandmother,their musical instruments,and something to eat . 

They are all packed and ready to hit the road!

The good thing about traveling in your own van is that you have the freedom to stop whenever you feel like it. On their way to Carrot Field Hollows, Peter and Peace stopped a couple of times to enjoy the scenery and have a snack.

After nearly two and a half hours of driving, a wooden sign announced that they had arrived at their first destination.

In Carrot Field Hollows many villagers live in log cabins, and Peter´s grandma lives in one of them.
When they arrived at her place the door was unlocked so they went inside to surprise her.

 The surprise was for them! because she wasn´t home.

They put the flowers in a glass jar and went to see their cousins who had recently moved to their own cottage . Maybe they knew where grandma might be. Carrot Field Hollows was a very small village so it would be easy to find her.

They knocked on the door and to their surprise it was Peter´s grandmother who opened it.

Mrs Babblebrook face lit up "My dear! For all the rabbits´ears! What are you doing here!"She gave them a big hug and look at them from top to bottom.

"Aww,you look so good!" A little bit thin,though. I wish we lived closer so that I could prepare delicious and nutritious meals for you. Are you going to stay for long? I hope so because it´s nearly a year since last we spent some time together.What a surprise your cousins are going to get! They just went to the village store and they´re about to arrive. Make yourself at home. I´ll make you some tea".

That's how Pearl Babblebrook is: affectionate, talkative and always concerned that her family was healthy and well fed. 

"We only plan to stay a couple of days." Peter said."Then we´ll go to Purrchester to visit our friends. We have to go back to Sweet Berry Valley soon. You know it´s time to start setting up our beach bar".
Grandma had very good memories of the days she stayed with Peter and Peace at the beach last summer.

Mrs. Babblebrook looked a bit disappointed. She would have liked her grandchildren to stay for longer.
Peace immediately realized this and said, “But don't worry!From now on we will come to visit you more often. We have bought a van and this is the first trip we have ever made. 

"Did you! I´m so glad!"She exclaimed."That´s wonderful news!"

Just then, Boyd and Amanda arrived home.

They were thrilled to see their cousins.

They spent the rest of the day talking, singing, laughing and of course eating. 

If there is one thing grandma loves to do, it´s cooking, especially for her grandchildren.She was delighted that Peter and Peace had decided to take their first van trip to visit her.They all had a lovely day.

They spent two days in Carrot Field Hollows and then they headed  to Purrchester. It had been a while since Boyd and Amanda had seen Apple and Juice so they went with their cousins to visit them.

Peter  promised  his grandma that they would come back to visit her soon.
She told them a thousand and one times to be careful on the road.

Of course she had prepared a bag and a big basket of food for her grandchildren in case they got hungry during the way. There was enough food to last them a whole week away from home!

With the help of the map and road signs they found their way to Purrchester without a problem.

When they arrived at Purrchester they passed Apple's parents' house. They spotted Mrs.McClaw who was watering the plants.

Peter and Peace got out of the van and went to greet her.

"Good afternoon Mrs.McClaw!" Peter and Peace said.

"Peace! Peter! What a surprise to see you here! Apple and Juice didn´t tell me you were coming!"

“They don´t know we´re here. It´s a surprise visit! Peace exclaimed.

"We´ve just bought a van, like the one Apple and Juice have, and wanted to come visit them on our first trip". 

"They´ll be very happy to see you! You´re in luck because we´re going to be away for the weekend so you have the whole house for yourself".

“Thank you very much,Mrs.McClaw.You´re very kind but we can sleep in the van. My cousins are here too and we don´t want to cause too much trouble” Peter said.

"No way!  There are enough beds for everyone and a comfortable sofa so there´s no need to sleep in the van!"

"I want you to feel at home. Tell your cousins to come over and go surprise your friends. They're busy in the garden with something about a craft for a forum challenge. I´ll be upstairs preparing the luggage in case you need anything".

Apple and Juice were working on their project when they heard a familiar voice:

"Hi guys! What are you up to!"

They couldn't believe their eyes! What a great surprise! 

They left what they were doing and ran to hug their friends.

Apple and Peace even teared up as they embraced.

They all were over the moon to be together and looking forward to catching up with one another.

Peter and Peace told them that they had finally bought a van and than they would have to set up their beach bar soon.

Amanda and Boyd told them that they had just  moved in together and were enjoying furnishing and decorating their small cottage.

Apple and Juice told their friends that they wanted to participate in a creative craft challenge doing something related to the 60's era.It´s obvious that Peter, Peace, Boyd and Amanda all liked the idea because they love everything related to that period of time.

They all helped to finish the craft.

They´ve shown good team work skills, haven´t they?

Apple asked her dad to take a picture of them to send to the forum.

Peter and Peace also asked Mr.McClaw if he wouldn´t mind taking another picture in front of their new van to keep it as a memory of their first trip.

The truth is that they will always remember this trip because they had a great time at both Carrot Field Hollows and Purrchester.

In Purrchester they had an unforgettable weekend. Being with friends is always fun. Without planning it, they threw their own 60's party. 

They had a delicious barbecue.

After eating,
 Juice took the record player out to the garden and some records with music from the 60s.

 They sang and danced along the best hits of the decade.

Afterwards, Peace, Peter and Juice played some songs on their guitars.

After listening to some music, they felt like moving around a bit, so they started playing soccer. They ended up feeling exhausted.

Apple and juice told their friends about their plans to travel during the summer. Hopefully they can stop at the beach in Sweet Berry Valley for a cocktail at their friends'bar. Boyd and Amanda would like to travel too but they are broke after moving into their new cottage.

The weekend flew by and it was time for Peter and Peace to go back to Sweet Berry Valley and for Amanda and Boyd to return to Carrot Field Hollows. They promised to keep in touch and try to meet during the summer. 

As goodbyes are sadder than reunions,instead of showing you the last  photo where they say goodbye, I´ll post the photo they sent to the creative challenge of the 60's.Look how happy they were together! 


I hope you liked the story even though it is a bit long. At first I thought of dividing it in three parts but I didn't do it at the end.

As you probably noticed,Peter and Peace´s new van in not Sylvnanian but they knew it was perfect for them since Apple and Juice showed it to them five years ago.It was love at first sight!

They also liked the Sylvanian retro style turquoise or yellow campervans with flower detail.Unfortunately, they only found second- hand ones in not a very good condition and at a very high price. 

For this challenge, I made some crafts and I also decorated Boyd and Amanda´s cottage. I have to say that the characters of Boyd and Amanda were Florence Holiday´s idea ( a forum friend)but as they are Peter´s cousins they will probably be featured in  more stories.

These are some pictures of the crafts I made:

I made the guitars with cardboard (from a tuna package) and brown foam for the border.I used a playmobil guitar to draw the template.

I found a printable on the internet to make  the record player.I reduced the size a little bit to suit the Sylvanian scale.

I also made the road signs.

Pictures of Boyd and Amanda´s cottage.

The fabric that covers the sofa bed and the armchair was a gift from my friendI Berna (Alcalá de Sylvania in the Sylvanian forum ).Thanks a lot, Berna.She sent it to me a long time ago. It was meant to be for Peter and Peace but it came in very handy for this project.

Peace asked me to send two more pictures to the 60´s creative challenge as a favour.

In the first one we see that the edge of the living room table has been redressed.

(The small bead strip broke off)

This is the second one.

It just so happened that Peace and I have borrowed the same book from the library . Isn´t that a  coincidence?

While Peter is busy writing a hippie song for the challenge, Peace and I are going to have a cup of tea and start reading the book.

See you soon!

Peace and love!

13 comentarios:

  1. hi i am a massive reader of your blog.i wonder what the inside of apple and juice’s house looks like?the story is so cute!

  2. Thanks a lot!
    It makes happy to know you like my blog.

    Apple and Juice are a Sylvanian forum friend´s “creation” so she has already made a little cottage for them. She made it out of a cardbox. She posted some pictures in the Sylvanian Families Collectors Forum a few years ago. She has a thread named “Purrchester, city of cats” If you´re a forum member you can browse her thread and you´ll find more information about this cute couple of cats and many other cats.

    I bought two Maple cats older sisters to turned them into Apple and Juice. My friend Florence, did the same with the rabbits. A few years ago, Apple and Juice invited Peter and Peace to spend New Year´s Eve with them. Last summer Peter and Peace met their cousins and their friends at the Summer of Love Festival. In both cases, Florence took the pictures and wrote the story.

    This is the first time I featured Apple and Juice and Boyd and Amanda in my blog but I´d like to write more stories where they all get together.
    As Peter and Peace have their own van they´ll be able to travel more often.

    Have a lovely day!

  3. Cutata, you have put such a huge amount of work into this, and it has paid off wonderfully (as usual!). It is always fun to hear from Peter and Peace, but even more of a treat to come with them on their first trip in their new van. Also we were very touched to see Macadamia Grove get a mention on your street sign! :)

    1. Hi GreyRabbit!

      Thanks a lot for your kind words!

      It was a lot of work but I really enjoyed making crafts and setting up the scenes for this story. It´s always fun writing stories in which Peter and Peace are featured.
      Macadamia Grove has to be on the street sign. It´s one of my favourite places in Sylvania. I´m sure Peter and Peace would love to visit it.

      Have a wonderful day!

  4. Cutata, you are the QUEEN OF FLOWERPOWER!! I love the style, you add to the cottages the party, the car, the outfits... It´s so perfect!
    The cramped kitchen look just like mine and even if I am not in the 70s, I would love to joyn the party! Great mood! PEACE!

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Hi Daniela!
      The Queen of Flowerpower! Ha, ha! Your words made me laugh:)
      Thanks a lot for your comment!
      Peter and Peace inspired me to get into the 60´s vibes.
      They say that you that you're invited to the next party they throw.
      Always good vibes and good mood!

      Have a lovely day!

  5. Hi Cutata!

    Congratulations Peter and Peace! What wonderful and exciting news, it's so good when you finally get something you have worked long and hard for. And what a beautiful van. It suits them perfectly.

    Once again you've outdone yourself. The details and aesthetic of this story are incredible, and it was lovely getting to know some other characters, including Apple and Juice, and Amanda and Boyd. I hope we get to see them again in some future stories.

    The miniature flowers are incredible! I was staring at them and wondering how on earth you got them so realistic?

    And I can't tell you how thrilled I was (and the Bluebell Oaks villagers) to see our village name on the road signs. Thank you for that little gesture, it really meant alot to us!

    I'm sure Peter and Peace will have some amazing travels in their van and I would love to see more of them! In the meantime, I hope they enjoy their hard earned reward.
    Have a beautiful day! <3


    1. Hi Kelsie!
      Thanks a lot for your kind comment!

      Peter and Peace are delighted with their new van and I am too. Of all the vans, it is the one that suits them best.
      The only problem is that they can't sit upright because of their ears.

      No wonder the flowers look realistic to you. They are real flowers!. I went for a walk and saw a lot of tiny flowers the perfect size for Sylvanians. Grandma Pearl got a lovely surprise when she walked into the kitchen and found the bunch of flowers.

      Bluebell Oaks could not be missing from the road sign. You know how much I love to visit it.

      Have a great day!

  6. Hi Cutata!

    I really enjoyed this sweet story, as always! Huge congratulations to Peter and Peace on their new van. It looks amazing and it's perfect for them! I'm glad they will now be able to travel more frequently and see their friends and family more often.

    I loved the tiny mini van and all the crafts you made! Grandma Babblebrook was sweet as always, and it looks like all the friends and cousins had great fun at the 60's party. This was the perfect entry for the forum prompt! Loved Amanda and Boyd's cottage, too, with so many little details. And, of course, the fact that Arcfield was in the road sign! That made my day. :D

    Have a wonderful rest of the week, my friend!

  7. Hi Ayrell!
    Thank you very much for your kind words.

    I'm glad you liked the story. I was looking forward to showing Peter and Peace´s new van and this forum challence was the perfect occasion.

    The tiny mini van is a keyring I bought long time ago. I knew, sooner or later, I was going to use it in one of my stories featuring Peter and Peace.

    Of course, Arcfield had to be on the road sign! It´s always worth a visit!

    Have a lovely day, my friend!

  8. Incredible! What a lot you have packed into this perfect story! The craftwork and set dressing must take forever and they look so good. I enjoyed the Sweet Berry Valley / Purrchester crossover and revelled in the characters of Peter, Peace and their hippie friends. They are all lovely critters with beautiful personalities. Truly a feel good piece of work/art.

    What a lovely surprise to see Mellowdene on your signpost! Such a sweet touch.

    Sorry I've not commented sooner. I've had a busy month with shanty concerts and festivals. We put more into our publicity this year and we're getting a steady number of new people in our audience in addition to regular faces at our weekly "open rehearsals". Hauling gear and setting up can be a bind but it's worth it when we hear ourselves and see the audience enjoying themselves. With all this I've been late doing my own Sylvanian stuff too! I can't neglect it too long though. Reading about Sweet Berry Valley is always uplifting. ♥️

    Nearly August! I hope it's a great month for you.

  9. Hi Jackson!
    Thanks a lot for your kind words!
    I´m glad you enjoyed the Sweet Berry Valley/ Purrchester crossover.

    I also enjoyed making the crafts to put this story together. It was fun decorating Boyd and Amanda's cottage and trying to dress them as much as possible like Florence did. That was the hardest part because she is very good at sewing and I am not.

    Mellowdene could not be missing from the road sign. It is definitely one of the villages in Sylvania that is worth a visit.

    I'm glad to hear that if you haven't been as active on blogland and the forum it's because you've been busy with shanty concerts and festivals, it's another hobby you enjoy and it's also worth spending time on.

    Have a great day!
