domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

Postman Pete and Post Office.

Dear Readers,
At last, Sweet Berry Valley has a postman. Mayor Cameron Moss knew it was of vital importance to improve the mail issue in the village and he advertised a job in "Sylvanian Times"looking for a full time postman. Several candidates turned up for the position but after the Mayor interviewed them all, Pete Petite was considered the best suited for the job. So, from now on,  Pete Petite will be the official postman of Sweet Berry Valley. Welcome Mr. Postman!

Here you can have a look at the new post office.I tried to get a proper Sylvanian post office but they were usually very expensive so I decided to do my own out of  cardboard.

I used the welsh dresser I bought a few weeks ago  to place and organize the parcels and the letters.

I also bought this little green piece of furniture from the same seller and here is where parcels are weighed.

This is the counter. I customized a playmobil counter to match the decoration of the post office.

A selection of postcards and writing paper is also available for sale.

A poster and a noticeboard are placed on one of the walls.

And of course, a picture of the Map of Sylvania decorates the other wall. Postman Pete had to pass a hard test on Sylvanian Geography to become a postman. He got top marks!

Sylvanako, you did a great job with this map! I still have to look for a spot to place my village.

Here he is ready to face a busy day.Good luck Pete!

I was really dissapointed when I tried to buy the postman set from SSK and it wasn´t on sale anymore. I even got in contact with the shop by mail and I was told the set was discontinued. Luckily, I found it on e-bay a few months ago but I didn´t want to introduce Postman Pete until I had a post office. As it wasn´t easy to find one at a reasonable price, mainly due to postage, I made this one and I think it is well equipped to attend the needs of the villagers. By the way, they are all delighted to have a postman and a post office!

I mean to write a post called "A day in the life of Postman Pete". I´ll do it for sure so that you can get to know a little bit more about him.

Hope you enjoyed today´s post. Thank you for visiting! You´re always welcome!

Lots of love!

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Moss Reindeer Family

Dear Readers,

Today I´m going to introduce you to a family that plays an important role in Sweet Berry Valley, the Moss Reindeer Family.
First of all, I must admit that this family wasn´t one of my favourite when I started my collection, but little by little they grew on me and I think there´s something special about them.I love the smart clothes they wear and their faces look very interesting.
I know they´re not easy to find and they´re quite expensive but I was very lucky to find them from a Spanish collector and at a very good price.They are in very good condition. The father was missing the yellow bow but I replaced it with a red one until I find some yellow ribbon. I remember telling you that Sylvanian Families are not as popular in Spain as in other countries but lately I´ve been very lucky with my finds in my own country.

I wrote a bio for them and I took some pictures. I told you they play an important part in my village because Cameron Moss is the mayor.

Let me show you some pictures first.

Here they are in front of their house.

They´re posing in their living room the day Cameron was elected as a mayor.

Rowena is making sure her husband always looks his best.

Nice looking jacket,Mr.Moss. You look very elegant. Don´t you think so?

Buck is showing his father the new school newspaper issue and Rowena is calling some friends to invite them to a tea party.

Even though it´s nearly summer time in this part of the planet, I took some wintery pictures. I spent the whole winter trying to write a story about a snowy day but I didn´t do it eventually.As reindeer remind me of Christmas time and snow here you have some pics.

This is the bio I wrote for them:

Cameron is the mayor of Sweet Berry Valley. He is a good-natured man who is willing to listen to the villagers´ demands. He always acts honestly and openly to others. He wants the best for the village and its inhabitants and he puts all of his efforts towards improving all the public services. He managed to do most of what he promised in his acceptance speech but he knows there´s still a lot to be done.

Rowena feels very proud of her husband .It is said that behind every great man there´s a great woman and Rowena is a good example. She helps her husband to write his speeches and gives him a hand to reply to letters .She is very good at organizing tea parties and other social events in order to raise funds and make projects for the village more affordable. Rowena wasn´t brought up in Sweet Berry Valley. She comes from a very well- off family and more than once she asked her relatives´ for money to pay for some improvements in the village. At first some of the ladies thought Rowena was a bit posh and had her nose in the air, but as they got to know her they realized she is a down to earth woman who is very approachable and kind to others.

Buck wants to become the president of the Sylvanian government when he grows up. He is always giving his father ideas on what would be good for the village. He also likes to write. He writes articles for the school newspaper. His articles are very interesting and he has lots of readers. When his father seems too busy or worried about some of the village issues, Buck changes his mind about becoming a president and thinks he´d be better off being a story writer or a journalist .

Juniper is very artistic and draws all the pictures that go with the articles her brother writes. She loves art classes and wants to be an illustrator for children´s books when she leaves school. When her father was elected as a mayor, her brother Buck wrote an article about it and Juniper drew her father wearing a very smart suit. When her parents saw the drawing, they liked it so much that they showed it to Mr. Bramble, the  village tailor, and asked him to make that suit for Cameron´s acceptance speech. Since then, it has become his favourite outfit and the one he likes to wear most of the time (Actually, he doesn´t always wear the same one. He ordered three suits so he can change his clothes to be washed)


And that´s all for today. Hope you liked to meet the mayor of Sweet Berry Valley and his family. To tell you the truth, I never thought I was going to own this family and now I´m glad I did. They´re lovely! Actually, the ones who are really cute are the Moss babies. Who knows? I might be lucky and find them some day.

This picture is not mine. I took it from Lady Lollipop´s web page.

Once again,thank you for reading and visiting my blog. Sharing my  collection with you makes my hobby much more enjoyable! 

I´ll be back soon. Lots of love.