viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

The Spotter Meerkat Family

Dear readers,
Around this time two years ago ,I started collecting Sylvanians.I found most of the families adorable with the exception of a few of them that eventually ended up being part of my collection and now I love.
There was one family in particular that I never thought I was going to buy.
I´m talking about The Spotter Meerkat Family. I didn´t like them at all. The shape of their heads reminded me of E.T the extra-terrestial. The dark patch around their eyes looked like some kind of Halloween makeup and the father´s outift put me off too.
However, not so long ago I realized this family has something that not all Sylvanians have.I´m refering to their smile.
Yes! The Spotters seem to be smiling all the time and I love that. 
Their smile won me over😊 and I won them on an auction on ebay. 😀( No Global Shipping Program this time so I was able to afford them)

After reading their bio I also consider Harry is wearing the right oufit to work in the forest.
I usually make up the bios for my families but this time I think their official bio is perfect for them.I added some pictures to illustrate it.

Harry Spotter is the most alert and watchful, and it´s a good job too as he has to check that there are no wildfires in the forest. As this vital role demands his total concentration, the other villagers have learnt not to take it personally if Harry ignores them completely.

Harry takes long walks through the forest to make sure there are no signs of wildfire.

"Morning Harry!" Hornbull greeted.

Harry took a while to greet him back.
"Morning Hornbull!A nice day, isn´t it?
"It is indeed, Harry." Hornbull answered and kept on walking.
Harry likes Hornbull. He´s a nice quiet man. However, he tends to ignore other talkative villagers. Making sure there are no wildfires in the forest is a high responsibility job and Harry never lets himself get distracted.
His wife Beatrix Spotter, on the other hand, is always warm and friendly.Just like her friend Rose Timbertop she loves children and is often baby sitting as many as twenty at a time. She bakes them fairy cakes and reads them fairy stories, and she counts them every fifteen minutes to make sure they´re all still there.

Alfie Spotter always has his head in a book. He often gets so absobed in one of his adventure stories that he regularly forgets what day it is and has been known to turn up for school on a Saturday.

Gail Spotter would much rather go for a long walk in the forest than read a book. She particularly enjoys strolling along by the river and picking wild flowers for her mother.

"I picked them up specially for you, Mum"
"Thank you,sweetheart! They´re so beautiful!"

It´s funny the way I changed my mind about this family. They look much cuter in person.They are also very posable and they have a very expressive face. 
Breatrix Spotter is my favourite family member.Her name and personality suits her perfectly to be a child minder.A very warm and caring one.

Sooner or later I´ll add the meerkat baby triplets. They are so cute.And, of course, the grandparents. They are a lovely couple.
I´m looking forward to have this family reunited.
What do you think of "The Spotters"? Are they part of your collection?

Lots of love💓


8 comentarios:

  1. I still don't like the spotters very much but I can see what you mean, they do smile. Still, I am not convinced to get them, yet...

    1. I understand Emily. It was one of the families that I was totally convinced I was not going to buy. I really disliked them and then...look what happened, so you never know.

  2. Great story and beautiful pictures! I have second- hand Spotters, but no brother and granparents. I think they are much cuter in person than in photos, and there is something about them, that makes you smile. I tested it on my husband. He always does, when he looks at them, and I guess its one of his favourite families, although he says they are 'funny'.

    1. I agree with you Maria. The Spotters look much cuter in person.Their smiley faces
      make them look warm and friendly. My husband also likes them.

  3. Lovely photographs of the Spotters out in nature and at their workplaces. I don't have them, but I have thought about purchasing them in the past. They definitely have a special charm to them and I agree with what you say about their smiles.

  4. Thank you Nina! I never thought they were going to grow on me but their smile won me over.

  5. Hi Cutata,

    I love your blog, I discovered it through the Sylvanian Families Forum.
    The Meerkats were never a family that were on my wish list, but now their smiles have won me over too! This really comes across in your beautiful photos.
    I was ordering a few things from Sylvanian Storekeepers and I have actually ordered the Spotter Grandparents :)

  6. Hi Emma !Welcome to my blog! Thank you so much for your kind words!I know...the Meerkats are not one of this cute families that you want to own straight away. It´s not love at first sight but little by little they win you over until you get to like them. Congrats on getting the grandparents ! I can´t wait to have them too! I love them. I´ll get them for sure nex time I place and order at SSK.
