martes, 29 de enero de 2019

Winter Breakfast

Dear Readers:
Today´s story is inspired by the 2019 Creative Challenge posted on the Sylvanian Families Collector Comunity forum.
The second challenge´s theme is "Winter Breakfast" which is closely related to the first challenge "Snow Day".

It was a cold Saturday morning in Sweet Berry Valley. 
Agatha made some coffee and poured herself a cup.

She was feeling especially hungry so she also poured herself a bowl of cereal.
She enjoys having a quiet breakfast before the kids get up.

She opened the fridge to get some milk but suddendly she remembered there wasn´t any left .

Last evening,Oscar, accidentally, spilled the jar of milk and it was too late to go to the supermarket.

Then, she looked outside in the hope of finding a bottle of milk at her doorstep but obviously bad weather made milk delivery impossible for Hornbull Buttercup.

Agatha went to the living room where Rupert was about to start a fire in the fireplace.
"We ran out of milk for our cereal Rupert and we haven´t got any bread either.
I know it´s freezing cold but would you mind going to the supermarket to grab something for breakfast? There´s plenty of fruit at home so we just need some milk and bread".

Rupert didn´t mind it at all.The supermarket was close to their home and he felt like going for a brisk walk in the morning. Freddie offered to go with his father.
"If you want to go outside you have to wrap  yourself up properly, the last thing we need is for you to catch a cold" Agatha said while she rolled a scarf around Freddie´s neck".

"Have a banana. You´ll need some energy to walk in this weather". 

Meanwhile, upstairs, Maria and Oscar had just gotten out of bed. "Snow! " Oscar shouted with joy when he looked through the window.

Oscar ran to kiss his mum good morning and to tell her about the snowfall that had blanketed the village.

Then, he sat down at the kitchen table ready for breakfast. Agatha´s bowl was still on the table and Oscar asked for some milk for his cereal.
"There´s no milk, Oscar. You spilled it all last evening .Dad and Freddie went to the supermarket to buy some more so we´ll have to wait until they´re back to eat our breakfast.

"MUM, I know!. We can make pancakes for breakfast" Maria exclaimed excited at the idea of eating some light and fluffy pancakes topped with a big dollop of whipped cream.

"Maria..., we need milk and eggs for the batter and we haven´t got any. We can´t make pancakes today." Agatha explained to her daughter.

Maria opened the cupboard underneath the sink.
"Let me see...It must be here somewhere..." She mumbled while searching the cupboard
"What are you looking for,Maria?" Agatha was curious to know.

"Ta-dah! Pancake mix, mum!. Just add water!. I bought it once to make pancakes to treat my friends to tea but you baked a cake for us so I left it in the cupboard. Shall we make some? Please mum!" Both Maria and Oscar begged Agatha..

Sooner said than done, Maria offered herself to whip some cream.

Agatha and Oscar got down to making the pancakes.

When the cream was whipped, Maria made some orange juice.

The pancakes were turning out really well and Agatha was getting the hang of tossing them up in the air and catching them again. 

Oscar´s little tummy was grumbling and Agatha was hungry too. Rupert and Freddie should be back soon.

Shortly after, Rupert and Freddie got home. The smell in the kitchen was enticing and mouthwatering.
" There was just soymilk left. Hornbull couldn´t deliver milk due to the snow and there was no bread either. Cristopher Appleblossom is sick  in bed with the flu so he didn´t bake any bread. We bought soymilk, eggs and a packet of biscuits but I´d rather have some pancakes instead and leave the soymilk and cereal for tomorrow" Rupert said looking at the breakfast table.

Oscar was the first one to climb to his high chair. He couldn´t wait any longer to start munching on his pancakes.

The rest of the family sat down around the table and they chose their favourite topping for their pancakes.

A pile of fresh berries for Agatha and  just a layer of cream and strawberries for Rupert.

Maria likes hers topped with plenty of whipped cream and strawberries.

A dollop of cream for Freddie and lots of chocolate sauce for little Oscar.

"No more chocolate Oscar or you´ll have a tummy-ache". Agatha warned him.

There was nothing quite like some delicious pancakes for a special weekend breakfast treat followed by a lovely walk in the soft and fluffy snow. A perfect start to a winter weekend for The Buckleys.

This story is my contribution to the second challenge´s theme "Winter breakfast". A perfect excuse to open the "Homemade Pancake Set" that I had bought ages ago that was still boxed. 

For this story I made the tablecloth
for The Buckleys´ kitchen table following the tutorial you can find in Slydale Hollow blog. (Thanks Chill!)

I made the cream for the bowl and for Freddie´s pancake using soft modelling clay.

I made some strawberries too.

I also made the plastic bag for the packet of cereal. I cut a small piece of plastic out of a real cereal bag and I sealed the borders with a hot glue gun (without glue).I crushed some cereal and put them in the bag.

Finally, a picture of my winter weekend breakfast I had last Sunday.


Vera The Mouse by Marjolein Bastin

viernes, 11 de enero de 2019

A joyful and peaceful Christmas day for Peter Babblebrook

Dear Readers,

Christmas is over but if you read my last story some of you might be wondering what´s going to happen next.
Even if your festive spirit is not in full swing I hope you don´t mind reading a story about Christmas Day.

It was Christmas Eve. The big table and the chairs arrived.When The Timbertops knew Tanya´s family was coming over for Christmas they offered her a spare dining table and a set of chairs. " We don´t have many guests at our B&B on Christmas Day" Rose Timbertop said." "Taylor will bring the table to your cottage." And he did. 
Tanya had asked her brother to be at her place before Taylor arrived."I´m sure he´ll need a hand to get the table into the cottage". Tanya was right. It was a very heavy table and even Munchie tried to help. 

Tanya thanked Taylor for lending her the dining table and the chairs.
They exchanged Christmas wishes and Tanya gave Taylor a box of her cookies to show him her gratitude.

Tanya was looking forward to having her family reunited around that table and she tried to cheer his brother up. 
"We are going to have a great time, Peter, you´ll see!"
For a moment, she was about to tell him  about her conversation with Peace but she decided not to do it just in case he got mad at her and changed his mind about coming over for dinner.

On Christmas morning, Tanya woke up very early. The bakery was closed so she baked her own bread and started cooking.

placed the crockery and cuttlery on the tablecloth she had bought for this special occasion.It was the first time she was going to have so many guests at home.

Tanya was preparing some appetizers when her brother arrived.Peter seemed to be in a better mood than in previous days.He even brought a bottle of a very good wine for dinner.
"Merry Christmas, Tanya!" He exclaimed cheerfully when his sister opened the door.
Tanya was wondering if the reason for his brother´s changed in mood had something to do with Peace. "Maybe he changed his mind and gave her a call" Tanya thought to herself.

Peter and Munchie gave Tanya a hand preparing the food.Munchie, as usual, helped Tanya tasting it.He was an expert tasting sweet treats but he seemed to enjoy savoury snacks too.

While Tanya was finishing cooking the main dish, Peter and Mucnhie set the table.

Everything was ready and set for dinner. Tanya had a look at the table and she was satisfied. Her brother Rockie and his family should arrive at any moment. 

"A car is coming!It must be them!"Peter said when he saw a red car through the window.

Tanya, Peter and Munchie ran to the door to welcome their family. 

They hadn´t seen each other in a long time and they were all very happy to be together again.
Bubba and Breezy had heard their auntie lived with an elf but they found it really hard to believe until they met face to face with Munchie.

Breezy  stared at the little elf in front of her in astonishment and asked: "What´s your name?"
"Munchie, my name is Munchie.I come from Finland and Santa Claus is a good friend of mine" He said feeling very pleased with himself.

It was easy for Munchie to get Breezy´s and Bubba´s attention by telling them about his adventures in  Santa Claus´land.
Crystal praised Tanya for the lovely table and the look of the food.

Rockie brought in all the presents he had in the boot of his car.There were gifts for everyone.
"Ho,Ho,Ho" He said when he entered the cottage loaded with parcels.

After the excitement of unwrapping Christmas  presents, it was time to sit down at the table.
Tanya had prepared a short speech for this special day.She was elated to be surrounded by her loved ones. They all listened attentively to her moving words.

They were about to start eating when they heard a knock on the door.
"Are you expecting someone else?" Rockie asked.
"No, I wonder who could it be" Tanya said. 
"I´ll go and see" Peter stood up and went to open the door.

Peter was about to open the door when he caught sight of someone looking through the door window. All of a sudden,the intense black eyes staring at him through the other side of the door made his heart beat faster.

When Peter opened the door and met Peace in front of him he was, for a moment, lost for words.
"Aren´t you happy to see me?" Peace asked to break the ice.
"Of course, I am!It´s just that I´m surprised to see you here." Peter was amazed. He had to pinch himself to make sure he was not dreaming.
"Didn´t you get my letter?" Peace asked.
" A letter? Did you write to me? Peter was even more surprised.
" I did.I sent it the very same day I talked to your sister but you know how busy post offices are at this time of the year" Peace explained.
"My sister!? Did Tanya call you? Peter was so surprised that he was beside himself. He couldn´t believe it. 
"She did and I´m happy and thankful for her call, Peter. I was going to spend Christmas with my sister and her boyfriend but after talking to your sister I said to myself: I´d better go to spend Christmas with my own boyfriend and here I am" Peace said, smiling shyly at him.

Peace´s last words made Peter´s heart melt.He said nothing, he was even more stuck for words than he was when he opened the door.

He just kissed her nicely, softly and passionately. Just like the first time they kissed at the beach in front of a spectacular sunset.
This time they were kissing in front of Peter´s family who gave the two lovebirds a round of applause.

Peter and Peace blushed when they heard the claps and cheers but immediately they felt at ease again when Peter´s family stood up to greet and welcome Peace. They all had heard about her before and they were glad to meet her but only Tanya knew the whole story. She was absolutely ecstatic. She expected her brother to receive a letter but she never thought Peace was going to turn up at her place on Christmas Day.

Both Peter and Peace hugged Tanya. 
"Thank you Tanya.Your call was the best Christmas present I could wish for" Peace said.
Peter embraced his sister and said: "Thanks for bringing "Peace"  back into my life, sis. Thanks for caring so much for me".
Munchie, who was witnessing the emotional scene, was about to shed a tear.
"Aww,this is going to be a joyful and peaceful Christmas Day" Munchie´s words made Peter laughed. "You´re dead right,Munchie! Joyful and Peaceful, for sure!" Peter exclaimed. 

Finally, they all gathered around the table to enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner.
Tanya was looking forward to Christmas but she didn´t know this Christmas was going to be so special.

Peter, who had the feeling he was not going to enjoy this Christmas, had the best Christmas ever.
"I let you go once, but I want you to stay with me,not just for Christmas or in summer but all through the year.What I mean is that I want you to stay with me forever"  Finally Peter was brave enough to open his heart to Peace.

Now, it was Peace the one who was stuck for words. She had dreamed of this day so many times however she could just whisper "I will, Peter, I will..." and she sealed her promise with a soft kiss.

And that was the second part of the story.
I know the story is quite predictable and soppy at some parts but taking into account it was a Christmas love story it couldn´t be any other way.  After being separated for four months, Peter and Peace are delighted to be together again.I´m pretty sure you are happy to see them together at last, aren´t you?

Thanks for reading!

Hope you have a joyful and peaceful year too!
